Book Review: Andrew J. Lane: A Traditional Muʿtazilite Qurʾān CommentaryDivided into five chapters, a brief conclusion, and eight appendices, this book initially began, as the author tells us in his “Introduction”, as a thesis intending to study the Muʿtazilite theology of the Kashshāf, but its focus shifted from Muʿtazilite theology to Muʿtazilite influences on the Kashshāf and later to the broader question of sources for the well-known tafsīr of al-Zamakhsharī. The result is a hybrid product that taps into a large number of primary sources to construct a broad overview of the scholar, his times, and his work as seen from the perspective of a graduate student whose own outlook on the long history of Qurʾānic sciences is shaped and defined by an Orientalism which comes with its own characteristic concerns and methodologies.