Qur’anic Studies
so that you may reflect (Q 16:44)
Book Review: Seyyed Hossein Nasr (et al): The Study Quran |
Muslims and the Western Studies of the Qurʾan: The Qurʾan in the Contemporary World |
Qurʾan Translation and Commentary: An Uncharted Relationship? |
On the Making of The Study Quran |
Book Review: Andrew J. Lane: A Traditional Muʿtazilite Qurʾan Commentary |
Book Review: Walid A. Saleh: The Formation of the Classical Tafsir Tradition: The Qurʾan Commentary of al-Thaʿlabi |
Book Review: Usama al-Sayyid Mahmud al-Azhari: Introduction to the Principles of Qurʾanic Exegesis |
The Qurʾan and its Disbelievers |
Book Review: Martin Lings: The Holy Qurʾan: Translations of Selected Passages |
Book Review: Thomas E. Burman: Reading the Qurʾan in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560 |
Book Review: Mustansir Mir: Understanding the Islamic Scripture: A Study of Selected Passages from the Qurʾan |
Book Review: Elsaid M. Badawi and Muhammad Abdel Haleem: Arabic-English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage |
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