Book Review: Bron R. Taylor et al. (ed.): The Encyclopaedia of Religion and NatureThe aim of this anthology is to provide "a representative sample of the Arabic-Islamic philosophical tradition in a manner that is accessible to beginning students of philosophy, as well as to more seasoned philosophers with little or no exposure to this tradition" (xii). As such, the main challenge of the editor was of selection procedures; Khalidi chose to include "extracts from longer philosophical works rather than entire texts or a large number of brief passages from a variety of text" (xii). The result is an admirable volume containing five selections from five most influential authors: al-Farabi (ca. 878-950), Ibn Sina (980-1037), al-Ghazali (1058-1111), Ibn Tufayl (ca. 1109-1186), and Ibn Rushd (1126-1198).