Book Review: Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas: On Justice and the Nature of ManThis slim book of about 60 tightly argued pages by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas makes a clear case for the new and special creation of man (both as spiritual insān and physical bashar) on the basis of what has been revealed in the Holy Qurʾan (especially verses 4:58 and 23:12-14) pertaining to the nature of man and his primal ethico-moral, axio-teleological vocation or overriding calling as Allah’s vicegerent (khalifa) on earth. In doing so, al-Attas says that he is responding to, “the greatest challenge to our true identity as man, i.e. as insan, posed by the evolutionist and positivist theory of man, i.e. as Homo sapiens, set within the framework of anthropology and the worldview of naturalism-a theory taught as if it were a fact in the schools and universities of the world.” (p v).
Adi Setia